
Give Your Home a New Look with Smart Strip and Peel Away 1

Not every remodeling project calls for a contractor and a big bill to follow. Some projects are fairly simple for homeowners to tackle all on their own. If the project you have in mind happens to call for updating the colors and the look of a home, Smart Strip and Peel Away 1 can make getting it all done a whole lot easier.

Why Refinish?

Refinishing surfaces inside and outside a home to give them fresh coats of paint or finish can give an old property a whole new look. Painting over past finishes, however, isn’t always recommended. This is especially so if the old colors are peeling, too dark, or have imperfections in their coverage. When this is the case, stripping and starting over with a fresh, clean surface that’s free of paint or stain results in a better finished look when all is said and done.

While refinishing can be a very big job, products like Peel Away 1 and Smart Strip take a great deal of time and elbow grease out of the preparation process. Peel Away, for example, is a stripping product designed to get rid of up to 30 layers of old paint in a single application. The process also provides what’s needed to prepare the wood surface for repainting.


While Peel Away is right for wood and a few other surfaces, Smart Strip is designed to offer the same advantages for almost everything else. This product enables easy stripping of not only wood, but also brick, metal, concrete, plaster, fiberglass and more.

Why Do-It-Yourself?

Hiring pros to come in and refinish a brick fireplace or redo an antique piece of furniture can be a costly process. When you choose to do it yourself using products like Peel Away 1, you’ll gain some advantages that go beyond the cost savings. This type of project can also make for a great hobby.

When you learn to handle refinishing on your own, you:

  • Control the process – You won’t have to wait to contractors and work on their schedule.
  • Control the look – Do it yourself with products like Smart Strip and you have the ultimate control over the finished product.
  • Gain a sense of accomplishment –Completing a project that improves the look of your home is just satisfying.

Refinishing is a big project, but products like Smart Strip and Peel Away 1 put expert results well within reach. 


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