
Ultra Hardware products


3 Reasons to Dive into Home Improvement Projects


The economy is improving, but that doesn’t mean all families have seen their budget crunches disappear. In fact, in today’s climate, many people are cinching up their belts, rolling up their sleeves and looking for ways to make things last longer, cost less and work more efficiently. For homeowners operating on a shoestring, that often means diving into do-it-yourself projects. From using paint stripper and ultra-hardware products to spruce up rooms to landscaping, many people are discovering there are some pretty compelling reasons to tackle some jobs themselves.

If you’ve never tried a do-it-yourself home improvement, there are some great reasons to pick a project and go for it. Even a simple room repainting project can turn out amazing results if a good paint stripper is used to prep the space and a little time and effort is put into the finished project.

Here are some reasons why doing it yourself – when you can – is a great idea:

  • The cost savings – While a newcomer to do it yourself work probably shouldn’t dive into rewiring an entire home, there are some great projects that can be tackled. Simple repairs can be handled easily with the right Ultra Hardware products, for example. When homeowners tackle the smaller jobs, they can save themselves costs associated with hiring pros. In some cases, the savings can be significant and the results basically the same.
  • Protecting home value – Letting those little repair jobs go in the name of saving money can end up costing you more. For the cost of a good paint stripper and some fresh paint, the outside of a home, for example, can be protected from the elements and preserved to last for some time to come.
  • The pride point – Any time a home improvement project is completed there’s a sense of pride attached. But, when the homeowner handles the job personally, that pride factor can skyrocket. There’s just something deeply satisfying about doing a job well and making a home just a little nicer to live in.

For newcomers to home improvement, it’s best to start out small and learn the ropes. Be sure to read up on how to tackle larger jobs and take the time to get all the right materials lined up first. A simple re-painting project, for example, will flow a lot more smoothly if paint stripper, primer, brushes, masking tape and the new paint are all ready to go when you are.


Give Your Home a New Look with Smart Strip and Peel Away 1

Not every remodeling project calls for a contractor and a big bill to follow. Some projects are fairly simple for homeowners to tackle all on their own. If the project you have in mind happens to call for updating the colors and the look of a home, Smart Strip and Peel Away 1 can make getting it all done a whole lot easier.

Why Refinish?

Refinishing surfaces inside and outside a home to give them fresh coats of paint or finish can give an old property a whole new look. Painting over past finishes, however, isn’t always recommended. This is especially so if the old colors are peeling, too dark, or have imperfections in their coverage. When this is the case, stripping and starting over with a fresh, clean surface that’s free of paint or stain results in a better finished look when all is said and done.

While refinishing can be a very big job, products like Peel Away 1 and Smart Strip take a great deal of time and elbow grease out of the preparation process. Peel Away, for example, is a stripping product designed to get rid of up to 30 layers of old paint in a single application. The process also provides what’s needed to prepare the wood surface for repainting.


While Peel Away is right for wood and a few other surfaces, Smart Strip is designed to offer the same advantages for almost everything else. This product enables easy stripping of not only wood, but also brick, metal, concrete, plaster, fiberglass and more.

Why Do-It-Yourself?

Hiring pros to come in and refinish a brick fireplace or redo an antique piece of furniture can be a costly process. When you choose to do it yourself using products like Peel Away 1, you’ll gain some advantages that go beyond the cost savings. This type of project can also make for a great hobby.

When you learn to handle refinishing on your own, you:

  • Control the process – You won’t have to wait to contractors and work on their schedule.
  • Control the look – Do it yourself with products like Smart Strip and you have the ultimate control over the finished product.
  • Gain a sense of accomplishment –Completing a project that improves the look of your home is just satisfying.

Refinishing is a big project, but products like Smart Strip and Peel Away 1 put expert results well within reach. 

paint removal products, Uncategorized

Some Important Information about Stripping Paint

Any type of paint removal project will probably require the assistance of some type of solvent that will help make the stripping process a little bit easier. But with products out there, ranging from Peel Away 7 to Smart Strip, it can be slightly confusing to know which one is right for your project. Even experienced contractors struggle in this department, which is why we have compiled a brief list of characteristics that you should look for in a quality paint removal product. While your needs may vary, be sure to check packaging for specific qualities and determine what is most important to you.

Some of the things that will ensure quality and safety in the Smart Strip product you to choose include, but are not limited to:Peel Away 7

  • If you’re going to be taking on a paint removal project for the first time, you may want to look into something like the Peel Away 7 removal kit. This comprehensive package comes with everything you need to efficiently remove layers of paint without having to wonder whether or not you missed something. It’s truly the best route to go if you’re unsure about which one to take in the first place!
  • Toxic ingredients are no longer the standard in paint removal products, so don’t use them if you don’t have to! Some stripping products will actually promise no fumes or flammable ingredients, which can be a big plus no matter how big or small your project may be! Check out which brands offer safer alternatives and go with those, especially if you’re working in a space that is frequented by children, pets or the elderly.
  • Finally, you’ll want to make sure that you’re choosing a remover that is compatible with the type of surface you’re working on. Some people may forget to consider this, but it’s possibly the most important element when choosing a stripping product. Products that may be designed for wood may not give the same results if used on concrete. Be sure to carefully consider all elements of your project and cross-check on labels before making your purchase decision.
paint removal products

Tips for Easy Paint Removal Projects

If you’re planning on stripping paint from a surface and then repainting it, you’ll want to be really careful about the paint removal product that you use.  While you have plenty of different options to choose from, not all of them are designed for preparing a surface for a new coat of paint.

Whether you’re a construction professional or a homeowner who is looking to tackle some DIY projects, these simple and easy to follow tips will help you make the most out of the paint removal process. The easier it is, the faster you’ll be able to move along with he rest of your project.


  • Multi-Layer Capabilities: Products like Peel Away 1 are designed to cut through multiple layers of paint. You may not realize how many layers are underneath the surface, but preparing for anything is essential in speeding up the process. By choosing a removal product that has the capability to cut through up to 30 coats of paint like Peel Away 1, you’ll be doing yourself a favor should you discover there’s more than just a surface coat. 
  • Don’t Deal with Fumes: The fumes from paint removal products can often be more overwhelming than the paint fumes themselves. While you may not have had a choice in this department a few years ago, advancements in removal formulas have come a long way recently. Products are now being designed with NO FUMES, which can make for a much more pleasant experience if the project you’re tackling is indoors. 
  • Complete Process: Some products (like Peel Away 1) are designed to be used in conjunction with other removal accessories like peel away paper. Be sure to check out different paint removal sets that are available to ensure that you’re not only getting the most out of your product, but also that your results are exactly as you expected. There’s nothing worse than completing a job only to realize that you have to go back and do it again! Save yourself from the extra work and check out these comprehensive kits that will provide you with everything you need to get it right the first time.